
Ice hockey eb on the pitch
Man has been living with dogs for a long time and we tend to endow animals with human qualities. Maybe we are forced to do something that they may not be willing to do. Is this so?
  • dog (768)
  • ice ()
  • skates ()
Anxiety and fear after separation
You have to think about when to take an animal with us. If we are irresponsibly involved in animal husbandry, we hurt them.
  • dog (768)
  • apartment ()
  • fear ()
  • alone ()
Four-legged employee in prison
Not only can the drug be sniffed, but drug-seeking dogs can also be more secure.
  • dog (768)
  • police officer ()
  • prison ()
  • drug ()
Winterization starts

Winterization starts

Even now, wintering the dwelling place of our late favorites. No matter what we use.
  • dog (768)
  • cold (13)
  • doghouse ()
  • protection ()
Preparing for the cold

Preparing for the cold

Time to prepare for the cold winter. Snow and minus degrees are predicted in the days. Take care of our favorites!
  • dog (768)
  • cold (13)
  • walk (44)
The puppy flashed a human smile
He took it among his many and healthy teeth, which was just an imitation of the original, and was not in the mouth of a dog, but in the mouth of a man.
  • dog (768)
  • denture ()
  • sight ()
Terrible accident

Terrible accident

No one could have made such an event. The dog didn't want to be bad, but he killed his own master.
  • dog (768)
  • owner (68)
  • accident ()
  • fatal ()
Accidental Accident or Intention?
It is not at all irrelevant whether the puppies were accidentally or deliberately introduced into the water, but they certainly fought for their lives.
  • dog (768)
  • water ()
  • rescue ()
  • loan ()
  • random ()
  • deliberate ()
Maybe once lucky

Maybe once lucky

Fortunately, there are always prospective owners who dare to take on the role of a sick, elderly, or even the most beautiful dog owner. Tug is waiting for this.
  • dog (768)
  • owner (68)
  • shelter ()
  • ugly ()
In winter, IKEA also opens for dogs
If our shops do not even accept the stray animals, but we can do a lot. More attention should be paid to animals in the cold.
  • dog (768)
  • store ()
  • IKEA ()




My misconceptions about dog breeding
There is a strain on what kind of dog we are raising from our pet. However, some misconceptions should be clarified.
  • dog (768)
  • learning ()
  • teaching ()
There are storms and fireworks in sight
We may also be pleased with an approaching storm, waiting for refreshment in the canyon, and fireworks are also delighted, but dogs and cats may react differently.
  • dog (768)
  • behavior ()
  • cat (419)
  • storm ()
  • tűziáték ()
Two-legged alarm clock

Two-legged alarm clock

The farmhouse, village, small town gardens often hear the kakashang. What a difference between cock and cock sounds.
  • rooster ()
  • voice ()
  • crow ()
Language learning for bird mode
Not getting in the stranger is the essence of learning the language of birds, but recognizing the danger and reacting quickly to it.
  • bird (220)
  • learning ()
  • language ()


My misconceptions about dog breeding
There is a strain on what kind of dog we are raising from our pet. However, some misconceptions should be clarified.
  • dog (768)
  • learning ()
  • teaching ()
There are storms and fireworks in sight
We may also be pleased with an approaching storm, waiting for refreshment in the canyon, and fireworks are also delighted, but dogs and cats may react differently.
  • dog (768)
  • behavior ()
  • cat (419)
  • storm ()
  • tűziáték ()
Two-legged alarm clock

Two-legged alarm clock

The farmhouse, village, small town gardens often hear the kakashang. What a difference between cock and cock sounds.
  • rooster ()
  • voice ()
  • crow ()
Language learning for bird mode
Not getting in the stranger is the essence of learning the language of birds, but recognizing the danger and reacting quickly to it.
  • bird (220)
  • learning ()
  • language ()