Autumn is starting to show itself not only in its weather but also in its colors. However, the coloring of the leaves also means that they leave trees, bushes, shrubs and cover the soil like an aviary.
And the Avar is a great refuge for hedgehogs who can be frequent guests to our garden. Care should be taken when collecting avar to avoid injuring our helpful, prickly garden friends.
In the fall, the survivor mode starts in us and we are preparing for the winter. Animals and hedgehogs do the same. However, they do not visit a man-made environment because they need help. At least not all of them. Hedgehogs heavier than 300 grams mean that they are in good physical condition, larger spikes that do not need help. The Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden also drew attention to this.
However, the smaller hedgehogs born at the end of the summer are not yet fully developed animals, i.e. they do not approach the weight of 300 grams. This means he won’t survive the winter because his organization couldn’t get enough reserves. These hedgehogs really need help. In this case, rescuers should be approached who will professionally help the smaller hedgehogs. Larger, well-developed specimens weighing more than 300 grams should be left undisturbed.
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