Aquarium fish are popular pets. In addition to being beautiful and colorful, their glass home can also function as a decoration for our own apartment.
But a fish cannot be petted, played with and less communicative than a cat or a dog. At the same time, our four-legged pets can be much more expressive. From their behavior, we can easily conclude that they are hungry, thirsty, want to go for a walk, etc. It doesn't work that way with fish.
How do we know when our fish are hungry? Since this is not clear either, it is easier to forget to feed them or to overdose on food.
A common reaction is that if you run your finger along the side of the aquarium, quite a few of the fish living there start to follow. Many owners associate this with feeding. Because of this, it is easy to overfeed the fish, which can even be fatal for them. What are the signs of overfeeding our aquatic friends?
It is certain that the fish will eat the amount of food they need, but if too much gets into the water, it will affect their health. The unconsumed residue begins to decompose in the water, as a result of which the quality of the water deteriorates, algae settles and multiplies to such an extent that it also clogs the water purification equipment. At first, the change is only visible in their environment, but it also affects the fish. They get sick and die without treatment.
To avoid this, the more and less principle must be applied. In addition to feeding less food, the inhabitants of the aquarium also get enough nutrients, but no excess gets into the water, which would start to decompose. The quality of the fish feed also means a lot.
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(Source: | Images: Pixabay)