The animals have already shown incredible survival. Some of them recover completely from life-threatening injuries, while other animals have taken another turn after an accident or illness.
People appreciate their lives very much when they are experiencing something serious that has changed in their own or their family's lives, a tragedy, or a very small failure to happen. We can recover after a serious accident or illness, but it is possible that it will leave a lasting mark on us. For humans, there are many aids and prostheses that can be used to live like the original quality of life, and they use more and more similar tools for animals. Dogs and cats with paralyzed limbs are given wheels, that is, equipment to replace the injured, incapacitated limb. Two wheels can be used alongside the two legs.
Even this solution is a relatively rare sight as well as the prosthesis, but to see the wheels in a turtle, it is not an everyday sight. An American zoo's armored resident was so injured that it was still alive. His armor is badly damaged, which is not only a "dress" of the animal's body, but also a protective function. But the armor protects him if he is injured.
Veterinarians hurried to save the turtle's armor. They tried to keep the turtle armor together with different techniques, and even an LEGO turtle wheelchair was put together for the animal to be resolved, but the armor would not be damaged anymore. The turtle has been on two legs since then and on two wheels.
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