Preventing the attack

The dogs living in the garden sometimes sound loudly about who they consider to be the proximity of strangers, aliens, and other dogs and animals.

During a pleasant walk, we do not expect to see a side of our favorite that you may never have, or very rarely. Barking, very protective dog owners can try to draw passers-by that biting dogs are inside the fence, and we can make the walk safer with biting ebooks. However, the most gentle, non-biting dog at all can connect with a companion.


If the owner is not prepared for this, he is also unlikely to do so in such a situation.

The first rule is that if two dogs have fought together, the owner will not try to separate them manually. It is certain that in the heat of battle, one, another, or even both of them can be injured.

Of course, there is a reason and a precedent for two dogs to interact. Their body language may indicate that they are preparing for something. The look, the tail keeping, can already show the dog's excitement. These are the signs that the owner can notice, provided he watches his dog. If you discover the signs of excitement on your pet, you need to calm down the animal and distract the other animal. If we walk our dog outdoors, always have the leash on it so that it can be braked if it just shows its nervousness.

In some cases, attacking dogs are not in balance at all. If a larger eb is attacked by the smaller one and staying alive at stake, the larger animal at the leash or the collar should be raised to the tooth so that the front legs do not touch the ground. Sooner or later he will release the smaller animal.

For more details, please visit our Facebook page! (Images are illustrations)


  • dog (768)
  • barking ()
  • nervousness ()




My misconceptions about dog breeding
There is a strain on what kind of dog we are raising from our pet. However, some misconceptions should be clarified.
  • dog (768)
  • learning ()
  • teaching ()
There are storms and fireworks in sight
We may also be pleased with an approaching storm, waiting for refreshment in the canyon, and fireworks are also delighted, but dogs and cats may react differently.
  • dog (768)
  • cat (419)
  • behavior ()
  • storm ()
  • tűziáték ()
Two-legged alarm clock

Two-legged alarm clock

The farmhouse, village, small town gardens often hear the kakashang. What a difference between cock and cock sounds.
  • rooster ()
  • voice ()
  • crow ()
Language learning for bird mode
Not getting in the stranger is the essence of learning the language of birds, but recognizing the danger and reacting quickly to it.
  • bird (220)
  • learning ()
  • language ()


My misconceptions about dog breeding
There is a strain on what kind of dog we are raising from our pet. However, some misconceptions should be clarified.
  • dog (768)
  • learning ()
  • teaching ()
There are storms and fireworks in sight
We may also be pleased with an approaching storm, waiting for refreshment in the canyon, and fireworks are also delighted, but dogs and cats may react differently.
  • dog (768)
  • cat (419)
  • behavior ()
  • storm ()
  • tűziáték ()
Two-legged alarm clock

Two-legged alarm clock

The farmhouse, village, small town gardens often hear the kakashang. What a difference between cock and cock sounds.
  • rooster ()
  • voice ()
  • crow ()
Language learning for bird mode
Not getting in the stranger is the essence of learning the language of birds, but recognizing the danger and reacting quickly to it.
  • bird (220)
  • learning ()
  • language ()