Philip's condition and calvary reached every corner of the country. After Philippines, they found Patrick, a dog in a similarly poor condition.
We wrote about Patrick , a dog that was rescued by animal keepers from a family that tied it to a fence with minimal rope. Not only was the rope short, but it was so tight that it cut into the puppy's flesh, causing the animal's head to swell to distortion.
It was feared that, as in the case of Philip, they might not be able to save Patrick. Every effort was made to provide the most appropriate treatment for Patrick and his other two rescued companions. The swollen head was just one horror, and they were extremely malnourished dogs. All three dogs were very weak due to fasting. Patrick was in the worst condition, so his recovery in the ancestor was most doubtful.
The puppies were grateful for their rescue, they all began to gain weight and Patrick's condition stabilized and his wounds began to heal. He'll soon be out of the animal hospital and then become a pet seeker.
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