In the case of a puppy that has just been separated from its mother, it is no wonder that it barks and pulls. Not only the person of the owner, but also the place and the smells are new. He will get used to his new place in a few days, especially if he gets a loving person who takes care of him. You have to be patient with him and all this will be a thing of the past.
However, if an adult animal barks all night long, it is not only not funny for the owner, but also makes the night of the neighbors miserable. However, this may be more than just the barking of other dogs and it is not even certain that he wants to signal something or someone.
That is, it can still be a sign of prolonged barking. Hormones and instincts may be at work during mating season, but it may also have a psychological background: anxiety caused by a change in daily routine, or even depression may be in the background. If a new pet has been added to the family, all these changes may have disturbed the dog so much that he expresses his anxiety and frustration in this way.
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