Immediately after the rainy weather came the great heat, which affects not only humans but also our animals.
Farmers need to respond accordingly. Our dogs, especially those that are outdoors, need to be provided with a shady, covered but airy room where they can get away from the scorching sun.
If you have a dog house for an eb kept outside, don’t expect it to lie in place in the heat. It is worth getting a dog house that we can move and put it in a cooler place even in summer.
For dogs kept indoors, a walk is necessary, but it is advisable to limit it to the morning or pre-season to avoid hot asphalt.
Neither children nor animals should be left in the car for a few minutes, as it can be a big problem.
It is necessary to provide fresh water, we can change their water several times a day. Even if the animal is inside the apartment.
In this heat, their appetites aren’t as good for our dogs either, so if they don’t eat what we put out for them, don’t leave them out. Put it down later.
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