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In the case of our dogs, bathing is embodied in the licking of their fur and limbs. However, if this activity is done too many times and for too long, we assume otherwise. Maybe something stabbed his leg? Did you scratch it? There is a disease called chronic licking disease. As a result, dermatitis can develop. The body’s natural defensive response is triggered and the skin can thicken in the area that the dog is constantly licking.
Licking is mainly limited to the lower limbs, possibly above the middle of the foot. Continuous licking can irritate the skin, which can lead to itching, thus generating another lick. This problem is especially common in older, large-bodied dogs. Even scientists don’t know the exact answer to this, but it’s probably because dogs are so eager to clean their feet that this is when endorphins are released in their bodies, which relieves symptoms. Of course, various skin conditions and bloodsuckers can also cause problems, which can cause dogs to scratch or lick, but they can also lick their feet due to stress or boredom.
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