After a loss that Tímea Vajna has experienced in the past period, it takes a long time for everything to shake into place before the grief reaches the stage that she can enjoy life, her life.
Even after the death of Andy Vajna, it was difficult to have mere existence. Anyone who has lived such a loss knows what it is. But even in this difficult period, the gifts and beauties of life must be noticed.
This was the face of Tímea Vajna. However, the story started with a sad thing. Years ago, Andy Vajna surprised an animal-friendly wife with a cockatoo who had flown out of the house in the days. That was just what Timi's soul lacked. She also shared sad news on her community, but her readers and fans supported her. But not only with words, but with deeds, too, because the Tyman Tama of Vajna Timi was found.
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