
Tearful caution in winter
Winter has arrived. It attacks hard minuses, so we have to take care of our animals in a different way.
  • cat (419)
  • winter ()
  • care ()
A rich period for kittens can come
Cats see the game anyway if they like. The Christmas tree can be a real playground for them.
  • cat (419)
  • Christmas ()
  • holiday ()
  • Christmas tree ()
  • stimulus ()
He did not expect gratitude, but received
The American forest fire is a terrible destruction. They are trying to curb fire and save lives with great power.
  • fireman ()
  • America ()
  • forest fire ()
  • gratitude ()
Szeged's neutering action starts
For the 50-kitty owner, the tender announced by the Association of Seducts of Szeged can be of great help.
  • cat (419)
  • neutering ()
  • competition ()
Treating minor wounds at home
Though there are nine lives, at least this is said to be the case, even smaller and larger injuries can affect our cats. Some of them can even be treated at home, and the more serious ones need medical care.
  • cat (419)
  • injury (20)
  • supply ()
That the hair doesn't even stand on your back!
In spite of the greatest worship, it is uncomfortable to encounter unwanted and unwieldy hairs in every part of the apartment. We present some effective methods for collecting hair.
  • cat (419)
  • dog (768)
  • care ()
  • coat ()
  • hair ()
Thousands of years old cats
In addition to dogs, cats are the most popular pets. In Egypt, even their bodies were preserved and preserved. A number of other cat mummies have been found in Egypt.
  • cat (419)
  • mummy ()
  • Egypt ()
They should be fed differently
Cats are forced to adapt to their lifestyle, but it is also worthwhile for the owners to bring a novelty to the feeding to stay healthy.
  • cat (419)
  • feeding ()
  • health ()
Professionalism without any equipment
If cats struggled spatially, they would all stay on the ground, but we know that this is not the case, as they can climb and balance in unbelievable places.
  • cat (419)
  • climb ()
  • height ()
Kitzica's big surgery

Kitzica's big surgery

The life of the kitten who got the Tate name was hard to start and had to be surgery in the first days of her life to develop normally.
  • cat (419)
  • kitten ()
  • operation ()




My misconceptions about dog breeding
There is a strain on what kind of dog we are raising from our pet. However, some misconceptions should be clarified.
  • dog (768)
  • learning ()
  • teaching ()
There are storms and fireworks in sight
We may also be pleased with an approaching storm, waiting for refreshment in the canyon, and fireworks are also delighted, but dogs and cats may react differently.
  • dog (768)
  • cat (419)
  • behavior ()
  • storm ()
  • tűziáték ()
Two-legged alarm clock

Two-legged alarm clock

The farmhouse, village, small town gardens often hear the kakashang. What a difference between cock and cock sounds.
  • rooster ()
  • voice ()
  • crow ()
Language learning for bird mode
Not getting in the stranger is the essence of learning the language of birds, but recognizing the danger and reacting quickly to it.
  • bird (220)
  • learning ()
  • language ()


My misconceptions about dog breeding
There is a strain on what kind of dog we are raising from our pet. However, some misconceptions should be clarified.
  • dog (768)
  • learning ()
  • teaching ()
There are storms and fireworks in sight
We may also be pleased with an approaching storm, waiting for refreshment in the canyon, and fireworks are also delighted, but dogs and cats may react differently.
  • dog (768)
  • cat (419)
  • behavior ()
  • storm ()
  • tűziáték ()
Two-legged alarm clock

Two-legged alarm clock

The farmhouse, village, small town gardens often hear the kakashang. What a difference between cock and cock sounds.
  • rooster ()
  • voice ()
  • crow ()
Language learning for bird mode
Not getting in the stranger is the essence of learning the language of birds, but recognizing the danger and reacting quickly to it.
  • bird (220)
  • learning ()
  • language ()