The effects of a coronavirus epidemic are felt by everyone, if not in the form of symptoms, but the precautions taken against it apply to everyone.
Restrictive, regulatory measures affect everyone, as children do not go to school, a significant proportion of adults work from home, the opening hours of shops have changed, we do not hug, we do not shake hands, and we do not meet those at risk, but we communicate differently.
One of the blessings of the coronavirus may be that we pay more attention to our fellow human beings, have more time to deal with our families, ourselves, and our pets. However, there are other blessings of the epidemic, namely in southern China. It was from this area that the coronavirus epidemic set off, and in this area, dog and cat meat was consumed freely. Until now.
A regulation banning the consumption of pet meat will come into force on 1 May. It was just in time, as for many peoples, dogs and cats are not kept for their meat, but for hobby animals and even family members. Civilization also requires that we look at these animals differently.
Consumption of animals around the house, including cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, donkeys, rabbits, and poultry, is equally permitted.
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