Test your cat!

We could compile a teaspoon test that you can see how clever your animal is, but what if it has been done by others.

We found an excellent test of szeretemacicamat blog called, which is incorporated herein in its entirety. You can find out with your other pen what your kitty is.

You don't need to answer any questions and count how many points you have. Responses to "b" do not have to be counted, but if you answer "a", deduct one point, while "c" add 1 point.


1. When you open a box of cat food with an electric can opener or cut a slice of cutter with a slicer / electric knife, what does your cat do?
the. She rushes and hides under the bed
b. Looks at what's happening and then snoozes
c. He immediately runs into the kitchen

2. When you remove the cat carrier, what does your cat do?
the. Just looking at her
b. He runs away, but comes back when I sit back with something seductive
c. Hides and does not come

3. How often can your cat get her to serve her breakfast early in the morning, while you are still sleeping?
the. Never
b. Occasionally
c. Always

4. Have you learned anything from your cat, for example, how to open the closet or the door, or how to turn off the light?
the. No
b. Yes, a few simple things, like how to use a cat door
c. Yes, many things, just by observation

5. If you arrive home at the same time every day, will your cat wait for your arrival?
the. No
b. Yes, he usually waits in the door
c. Yeah, and go to the kitchen to give her to eat

6. If a snack or game gets stuck somewhere where your kitty doesn't reach what it does?
the. He tries to pick out his paw, tries a few times, but then gives up
b. She tries to spat with her paw and her mouth, but she gives up after several unsuccessful attempts
c. Use your paw and mouth as long as you can't reach it

7. Do you play with your cat?
the. Not at all
b. Sometimes
c. Very much, especially games that I hide something he is looking for

8. If the cat sees a bird from the window, what is it doing?
the. He pushes his head to the glass and tries to catch the bird
b. He grabbed his paws out of the window with pleasure, as long as I didn't pull the curtains
c. She rushes to the door and gnaws as long as I don't let her go

9. If you have already put your feeding bowl or litter pad elsewhere in the apartment, how long did it take you to get used to the new place?
the. A few weeks
b. A few days
c. One day or less

10. When you call your cat with your name, what are you doing?
the. Nothing
b. Look at me for a few moments or turn my ears toward me
c. Rushes to me immediately

11. Do you have a kitty to get tired of your games and use your socks, aquarium or curtains for your own entertainment?
the. My cat isn't very interested in games
b. Sometimes
c. Almost every day

12. If a person who had arrived in a hotel before was harassed by your cat, then your cat avoids him, but is left open to others?
the. My kitty approaches everyone in the same way
b. Some people do not like it, but there is no clear reason
c. Definitely yes! My cat remembers who hurt her and never forgets!

13. How often do you get home from the job that you were away from, how much did your kitty make a gala?
the. Never
b. Occurs from time to time
c. Always

14. When you caress your cat, tell you where you want it to stroke and how long?
the. No, you can tolerate me caressing and don't care where you are
b. If you like it, you purr, if I touch it where you don't want to, you grumble or blow me
c. She rotates to stroll where she likes

15. What happens if you try to teach your cat something?
the. My cat will never realize what I want to teach her
b. If I do a lot of it, it will be good enough
c. My master is a master of all tricks and he learns all new things very soon

16. When you taught something to your cat, do you remember one month later if you didn't practice it afterwards? the.   Not likely
b. Probably yes
c. Certainly

17. When does your cat want something from you, what is it doing?
the. purring
b. She smells slightly louder than usual
c. There are different ways to swallow it, depending on what you want

18. How often can you get him to play with him?
the. Rarely
b. Sometimes
c. Often

19. How does your kitten indicate when the litter tray needs cleaning?
the. Going to the same place again and again until I realize he has already built a "hill" in the litter tray
b. He begins to use the soil of the plants as a litter or arranges it for a litter
c. She goes to the litter and giggles loudly

20. When the feeding table is empty, how do you remedy the situation?
the. He sits quietly beside his bowl and waits to eat
b. She jumps into my lap and gobbles loudly until I come to her hungry
c. She opens the closet where I hold the cat food and smashes the bag

Calculating the values of the answers will give you a value according to which you will know what your cat is like. Really true?

Less than 5 points: Well, he's not the strongest in the field, but he's still a wonderful companion, even if he doesn't know how to beat the food chamber.

Points 6-15: Most kittens in this category are average smart. He can learn some tricks, but don't want him to unload the Rubik's Cube.

15-20 points: Your cat is an Einstein! Extremely intelligent and constantly amazes you with new tricks. You also know how to get the things you want in your way. You have to be very crafty if you want to go too far!

For more details, please visit our Facebook page!

(Source: homeowner.com, lovemacicamat.blog.hu) pixabay.com)


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