Do you have that scene from Shrek when Jackboots appears and suddenly starts croaking and vomits a ball of fur? Well, this is not just a fairy tale.
Of course, cat owners know this. moreover, it is also completely natural, since cats are very clean animals and, in addition to sleeping, they also spend a lot of time taking care of their fur. They lick themselves with their tongue and the spines on the tongue catch the hairs that fall out, which they swallow.
Fur accumulates in kittens' stomachs until it's time to get rid of it. Then comes the scene lifted from Shrek in the case of our cats. How many dumplings a cat gags depends on its fur type, breed, how well the owner takes care of its coat and what kind of food it is given. If the owner combs even his short-haired cat regularly, fewer hairballs form in the animal's body.
If we think the formation of hairballs is excessive, it is worth consulting a veterinarian.
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(Source: | Images: Pixabay)