The behavior and character of dogs and cats is a reason for some to commit themselves to cat-keeping and others to absolute dog-keeping.
No matter which animal species we feel good about, it's really good to know kittens and dogs alike. Undoubtedly, however, we behave differently with a dog than a cat. It is completely logical, because it is two different species, and it is also different.
That's right, but a professional has pointed out that some cats should behave exactly as if they were a dog.
Dogs living in the apartment are taken away several times a day for walking. Well, this is exactly what you should do with cats that live just in the apartment. That is, it would be necessary to walk them daily to get them more stimuli. This would make the kittens move, and the movement, the new stimuli could make the cats living inside more happy.
Undoubtedly, it would be quite alien to see if the kitty owners would walk with their kittens, and this would require a harness or leash. If not even a day, but a few times a good trip to the kitten would be a pleasant walk.
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