Cats are great survivors. No wonder, since nine lives are attributed to them. These nine lives can include many things.
They are not only great hunters, but also great explorers. However, they can get injured during their journey, but they don't even have to leave the safety of the house to get sick or injured. But cats seem to tolerate pain well: they don't cry, they don't writhe. Typically, they hide from prying eyes and try to regenerate and heal in solitude.
Since they cannot put into words what they feel when they are in pain and the sign of pain is not very visible on them, it can be inferred from their behavior that it is still in the background.
If a cat withdraws, even though it likes to be in our midst or play, if it does not allow us to approach or pet it, even though it basically likes it, or if it walks around nervously, then we can even attribute it to a sign of pain.
As well as they hide their pain, they tolerate medication treatments, including pain relief, as well. However, if we experience the behavior described above in the case of our cat, it is worth visiting a veterinarian so that our pet can receive adequate pain relief and treatment.
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(Source: | Images: Pixabay)