Hobby killer mini big cats

We cherish, we love our kittens, we give them everything because we treat them as family members. That's what a lot of people do.


While we treat our velvet-footed peers as family members, in the eyes of Australians, not every cat represents the role of a sweet pet.

Cats introduced as an invasive species are by no means the purring favorite on the continent. Cats that are also kept as pets cause great harm to native Australian species even if they just wander home a bit and spend their free time hunting. He estimates the number of Australian domestic cats at roughly 3.5 million. It wouldn’t even be a problem if cats lived in isolation from the wildlife, except that’s not the case. Velvet-footed, released into the open air, kill more than 100 native animals for fun each year. It’s just one of many millions of cats, so it’s conceivable what kind of destruction hobby-hunting cats do every year.

They have been trying to curb the harmfulness of cats for decades, but so far no drastic method has been used, with no success. Part of the solution would be for Australians not to let cats out of their homes, but most of them have no idea how dangerous their sweet domestic cats are to native wildlife.

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(Source: homeikedvenc.co.hu | images: pixabay.com (Images are illustrations)


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Two-legged alarm clock

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