Not surprisingly, the cold brings with it the common cold, but the common cold can also affect our cats.
Cat fever is caused by a virus and can attack cats of virtually any age. It starts to multiply mainly in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and conjunctiva and is also the cause of the problem here. However, it is most dangerous for smaller kittens, in which case the symptoms can be severe or even fatal. In addition, untreated can lead to bacterial overinfection.
An untreated kitten can survive this disease, but it can easily turn out to leave traces of it: blindness, bronchitis.
If you notice that something is wrong with your kitten, you should take it to a veterinarian immediately. Although the body of the animal must overcome the viral infection, but by preventing over-infection, with careful care.
The disease can be prevented by giving a vaccine, which is worth giving to our pets every year.
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(Source: | Pictures: Pexels)