Many have experienced the more excruciating and less excruciating symptoms of the coronavirus. One of the inconveniences is the perception of taste and smell.
If we don’t feel tastes and smells the nutrition will become much less interesting. So it was with Bruce, the kitten who caught the coronavirus and therefore did not eat as usual. The cat may have gotten the infection from its owners when they were quarantined.
The trouble was bigger than it seems at first reading. The kitten became so uncomfortable with the loss of taste and smell that he did not eat anything. As a result, she lost weight and became even more uncomfortable. His condition had already become so critical that he had to be taken to a vet. A probe was inserted through the nose to get nutrients and fluids into the body, meaning to survive the disease. Even so, the kitten only lost weight. In the end, Bruce managed to defeat the disease.
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