A sweet prankster or an obsessed thief?

Not a single owner could tell what special gift his kitten surprised him with.

However, some kittens are not satisfied with prey found in or in the garden, which they catch on their own and take home to the biped, who does not look like the ability to hunt, instead of consuming it. These cats are able to develop their prey instincts much further.


A New Zealand cat initially took home only fish from a lake in the city to its owners. It was still a kind of cat pull, so it didn’t cause the family such an insane shock. Maybe that was the reason why the kitten thought differently after that?


Today, the animal has developed its knowledge to such a level that it is happy to steal pieces of clothing from the neighborhood. Kitten owners are far more annoyed at stealing strangers ’clothes than the injured themselves. The pieces from the theft are hung up in front of the house. This is already a common habit and so there is a chance that the stolen item can get back to its owner.


One of the neighbors is working in the construction industry. The cat also looked at his work boots and used to take them home one by one. The neighbor already knows this kind of tendency of the kitten, so he used to weigh the shoes, but the cat just continues his entrenched habit.

Recently, the owners have been terrified as well, as their favorite has come home with a dish that can be linked to illegal drug use.

For more curiosities, please visit our Facebook page!

(Source: homeikedvenc.hu | Pictures: pixabay.com)




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Two-legged alarm clock

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