Puppies in the animal kingdom are at least as curious and exploratory as children. That’s why we’re always on the trail of our little kids.
Offspring are treated more freely in the animal kingdom. A key question in survival is how independent, refined, fast, strong, etc. an animal as it increases its chances of survival. The kitten from Debrecen could already think of himself as a real wagon, because he was untangled next to his mother.
While in the winter they hide in the engine compartment of a car that has just run to warm up the kittens, now the kittens that were stuck in the engine compartment of a car were probably looking for an intact cool.
The grimace of fate is that the kitten belongs to exactly the car where the cat hid. After an hour and a half of headaches and car dismantling, the tiny kitten was frightened but unharmed freed from the grip of the car.
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(Source: homeikedvenc.co.hu | Images: pixabay.com (Images are illustrations)