The recent heat is taking its toll on everyone. Animals around the house have a greater chance of getting water from their owners than animals living in the wild.
The job of paramedics is to save lives. Sometimes it also happens that they help animals. Although this is very rare, it does happen, and since all lives matter, they will certainly help in any way they can.
The workers of the rescue station in Kunszentmárton also strive to save those who need it. This time, peacocks "asked" for help, and they were thirsty. They looked for coolness in the yard of the ambulance station, and then rested there. And if they had already honored the paramedics with their presence, they were offered water, which they willingly accepted. They lingered a little longer on the spot, and then left as quickly as they came in unexpectedly.
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(Source: | Images: Pixabay (The images are illustrations)