Many of us are avatars that can manifest themselves in the fall of the feeding of the songbirds, providing a nest for their nesting, but their observation may also be useful.
BirdLife International launched the European Bird Watching Days in 1993. Later on, Central Asian organizations joined the program. Hungary is represented in this program by the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Association.
Bird watching can be done by anyone, even in their own garden. To do this, you have to record in which settlement the number of participants is counted. The point is, of course, the total number of birds and the names of the three most prominent birds and the rare bird they encountered. The Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Association can be documented on a readable surface ( ITT ).
The European Bird Watching Days are on the first weekend of October, 6-7 October. At this point, anyone can participate in bird counting and not only in Hungary, but also in Europe. On the basis of the data submitted, the countries in which our country usually has a good place are evaluated.
Within the framework of a tour organized on the European Bird Observation Days, it is possible to go out for a trip and go on a bird, which can be a great experience for every member of the family. The date and location of bird-watching teams HERE be found.
If you do not want to join a team but would like to participate in bird counting, you can also record the data in your own garden or on a walk in the nearby park.
For more details, please visit our Facebook page!
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