In the spring, we can’t wait for the heralds of spring, the storks, to arrive. Once they occupy their nests, we worry about their mates as well as successful nesting.
Today, where nesting is successful, the little storks are quite big. At the same time, there are more chances of having to help little storks in trouble.
This time, the Board of the Kiskunság National Park reported a case that may have been caused by human negligence.
Based on a public report received by the Nature Conservation Service, the nest where the chicks are presumed to be in trouble was visited. The locals noticed that the little storks in the nest were behaving unnaturally. Specialists visited the storks and confirmed the suspicion. The movement of the nestlings of stork chicks was hindered by a bale stump. It is likely that the string was already there with the construction of the nest, and the hatched chicks could be caught in their infancy and, as they dripped, it hindered their development and movement.
Specialists evacuated the little ones from captivity and the nest as well, because they were so weakened that they needed help.
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